Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Perplexing Paradox!

In 1973 the United States Supreme Court ruled that the lives of unborn children were not protected by the U.S. Constitution, and legalized abortion in every state across the country, through all nine months of pregnancy, and for any reason.* Since the Court’s decisions in 1973, more than one million unborn children have been killed each year from abortion.
Now the liberal newspapers, TV and radio talk show hosts are juicing and harping the British Royals (Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge) because she is around 4-5 months pregnant with a new 'baby' an how great that is (and it is great that the media is calling her unborn child a baby).
On the other hand in other places the media will refer to it only as fetus or mass qualifying it for an abortion.
Another oddity is the fact that a woman has a right to her own body and legally can have her baby aborted at will claiming is is just a mass or blob. At the same time if you have a wreck with or in same manner cause harm to a pregnant woman causing the baby to die, you can be charged with manslaughter or even murder.
SO THE REAL QUESTION: Is an unborn baby a human being or not and does it have legal protection under our laws and the Constitution which grants Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to all?

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